All submissions should be in Microsoft Word format (.doc) and must be no greater than 12 pages. Each paper should have the title and author information, which should include the following: (1) paper title, (2) author name(s), (3) affiliation(s), (4) address(es), (5) e-mail address(es), (6) track that best fits the submission. The second page should include the title, the abstract, and 3-5 keywords, but no author's identification. All detailed manuscript format can be referred from the author guidance.
Submitted papers must not have been previously published anywhere. Submission received by deadline will be double blind reviewed by referees. Please submit your paper electronically via by December 23th, 2013. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings, providing that at least one registers and attends the conference.
*Please refer to attachment for the details of call for papers and paper format.