Best Paper Award
The committee is expected to choose 80 papers for presentation, 40 papers present in posters, and we will also select three to six best papers and award with each paper NT$10,000 and a prize medal.
Best Paper Selection Process
- All papers will go through preliminary and final stages to be determined as the 20104ICAIT best paper.
- In preliminary stage, selected papers will be separately reviewed and judged by two reviewers on content and writing style as described below. Each paper shall be given a score of 1 – 5 where 1 represents Unacceptable, 2 represents Under Average, 3 represents Average, 4 represents Good, and 5 represents Excellent against each criterion.
Selection Criteria for Manuscripts
(5 = Excellent, 4= Good, 3= Average, 2= Below Average, 1 = Unacceptable)
Popularity of the subject (1-5)
Appropriateness for this conference (1-5)
Adequacy of literature review (1-5)
Adequacy of theoretical framework (1-5)
Quality of research design (1-5)
Adequacy of data analysis (1-5)
Contributions to the literature (1-5)
Legitimacy of conclusions (1-5)
Practical significance (1-5)
Clarity of presentation (1-5)
- The total score of paper shall be calculated through process of first, summation of the scores of the above selection criteria; and second, multiplication of the said summation by the weighting factors of confidence of reviewers where Strong Recommend weights 2, Recommend weights1.6, Recommend with Reservations weights 1.3, and Do not Recommendweights 1). The maximum score of a paper shall be 100 (50×2).
- The sum of scores from reviewers A and B shall be divided in half to come up the score of paper in preliminary stage.
- And for papers ranked the top 20% will make into final stage to be selected for 2014 ICAIT Best Paper.
- In final stage, each candidate paper will be reviewed again and rated against above criteria by the best paper award committee of two reviewers with expertise and experience in areas relevant to the paper’s topic. To sum up the scores by two reviewers will come up with the final score of paper.
- Lastly, each paper with the highest score among five categories will receive the Best Paper Award and be awarded at ICAIT 2014 Conference. However, in final stage, if two or more than two papers score the same points, the Best Paper Award shall be given to paper with highest score in preliminary stage.