Conference Theme & Topics
In view of the adoption of IRFS for listed companies in Taiwan from 2013, the IFRS issue on adoption or impacts has become very popular in recent years. It affects not only on large enterprise but also SMEs have to use IFRS step by step. Besides, the development of information technology also brings a new way to manage the enterprise. That is, robust accounting information system will be a powerful tool for enterprises to be competitive and adaptable in the future.
The pass of Sarbanes-Oxley Act in 2002 began to require companies to establish risk-based internal control system, and periodic assessment is necessary to ensure the quality of audit. In addition, performance management has been effective since it was carried out. However, the planning and implementation of related regulations should keep updating. Moreover, human pursuit the economic development and lead to the damage to environment. “Green accounting” becomes a new issue to adjust the economic impacts on environment.
The topics cover (but not limit to) five issues below:
I. Accounting/Auditing/Finance
Contents involved:
- Contemporary Issues in IFRS
- Earnings Quality
- Executive Compensation
- Corporate Governance and Corporate Transparency
- Financial Reporting and Business Valuations
- Financial Management and Corporate Financial Decision-Making
- Accounting Education
- Auditing and Assurance
- Internal Auditing
- Behavioral Accounting
- Green Accounting/Environmental Accounting
- Corporate Social Responsibility
II. Performance Management
Contents involved:
- Enterprise Performance Measurement System
- Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
- Compensation Benefit and Performance Measurement
- Intellectual Capital, Business Intelligence, Knowledge Management and Performance
- Activity-based Costing (ABC) and Activity-based Management (ABM)
- IT Investment and Enterprise Performance
III. Computer Auditing/ Risk Management
Contents involved:
- Fraud Detection and Forensic Accounting
- Continuous Auditing and Monitoring
- Enterprise Risk Management
- Information Systems Auditing and Control
- Security Management (such as ISO27001) for Information Systems
- IT Governance
- Risk Assessment and Technique Analysis
IV. Information Technology/ Environmental Issue
Contents involved:
- Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)
- Emerging Technology Issues (Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems in Accounting)
- Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- E-Commerce and Collaboration Commerce
- Accounting Information Systems
- Data Warehouse and Data Mining
- Application of Accounting and Information Technology in Green Energy
- eXtensible Business Reporting Language,XBRL
- Mobile Commerce
- Cloud Computing
V. Small & Medium Enterprise Accounting & IT Issue(SMEs)
Contents involved:
- Contemporary Issues in IFRS under SME
- Earnings Quality of SME
- Executive Compensation of SME
- Corporate Governance and Corporate Transparency of SME
- Financial Reporting and Business Valuations of SME
- Financial Management and Corporate Financial Decision-Making of SME
- Accounting Education of SME
- Auditing and Assurance of SME
- Internal Auditing of SME
- Corporate Social Responsibility of SME