Keynote Speaker
Professor Rajiv D. Banker
Merves Chair and Director of the Center for Accounting and Information Technology at the Fox School of Business, Temple University.
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qualified as a Cost Accountant and as a Chartered Accountant, securing severalawards including those for standing first and third respectively at national examinations of the two institutes.
Dr. Banker’s research interests range from analytical modeling to statistical analysis of data collected from different companies to address complex or emerging problems of importance to managers. His research on information systems explores issues of technology enabled competitive strategy, investments in information technology, software productivity and quality metrics, and management of software development and maintenance. His research in accounting addresses questions pertaining to performance measurement, incentive compensation, strategic cost management and public accounting industry analysis. His research in management science includes the development of new analytical methods for productivity and efficiency evaluation. His research has been supported by the National Science Foundation, the Financial Executives Research Foundation, the Institute of Management Accountants, and several leading corporations.
His research articles are cited over 150 times each year by other researchers in a wide range of disciplines. One of his papers is ranked fourth highest in citations in the 50-year history of Management Science. He is recognized by the Institute for Scientific Information (Web of Science) as one of only 243 most highly cited researchers in economics and business worldwide that have made fundamental contributions to the advancement of science and technology.
Professor Guy G. Gable
Professor of Queensland University of Technology, Australia

IT Professional Services (ITPS) Research Program, Leader
Information Systems Discipline Higher Degree Research Coordinator
Guy Gable is Professor and Academic Director Research in the Information Systems School, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia; where he heads their IT Evaluation Research Program. He is Senior Editor Journal of Strategic Information Systems (since 2003), and has served on the editorial boards of MISQ, JAIS, EJIS and others. Dr Gable is a Charter Member of Association for Information Systems (AIS), has held a range of AIS roles, and has been highly active in the main regional conference ‘Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems’ having held 5 major chairs (2013 recipient of the ‘PACIS Plaque of Appreciation’ for lifetime contribution). He is next Junior Faculty Consortium co-Chair ICIS’14 (Auckland), Doctoral Consortium co-Chair PACIS’16, and Doctoral Consortium co-Chair ICIS’17. Main research interests include IT Evaluation, Research Methods and increasingly Design Science. His PhD is from University of Bradford, England (ICIS’91, 1STprize) and his MBA from Ivey Business School, Canada. He has over 100 refereed publications (e.g. Management Science, Journal of the AIS, Journal of Strategic Information Systems, Information & Management, European Journal of Information Systems). Professor Gable has been highly active in Asia. He is Adjunct Professor Renmin University of China (RENMIN) and Senior Visiting Professor of Xi’an Jiaotong University’s (XI’AN) Next Generation Management and Innovation Research Center. He was Visiting Professor at The University of Hong Kong 2002-2007 (1 mon/yr). Before joining QUT, he was Senior Fellow at National University of Singapore (1986-1994). He has been 1st Chief Investigator on a series of successful Australian Research Council (ARC) grant applications totalling several million $AUD; most recently an ARC Discovery and ARC Linkage 2012-2014 (totalling AUD$1M) in collaboration with RENMIN and XI’AN, Georgia State University and Victory University of Wellington.
Professor Georg Herde
Professor of Deggendorf University of Applied Sciences
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Prof. Dr. Georg herd, born in 1960, studied, a commercial apprenticeship, business administration, with the core subjects "Accounting, Finance and Taxes" at the University of Paderborn and the trend Polytechnic in Nottingham and at St. Olaf College in Northfield Minnesota and made 1988 his degree as Diplom Kaufmann. He then received his doctorate at the University of Bamberg at the chair of Prof. Dr. Walter Augsburger in the area of formal methods of computer science economy. His dissertation dealt with axiomatized theories of accounting.
The professional work after theoretical training was in an auditing and tax consulting company in Bremen, where he was heavily involved in the information technology problems in the audit environment. In the years of consulting, he developed the first signs of digital methods in the field of auditing and tax. In the winter semester 1999 he accepted a call to the Deggendorf University, where he has been representing the computer science industry in the degree program include the digital methods of research and teaching.
In April 2005, he initiated the first Deggendorf Forum on Digital Data Analysis at the University of Applied Sciences Deggendorf. This Forum was followed by two more in October 2006 and November 2007. Together with representatives from industry and research, he has worked to establish instrumental in the club DFDDA.
Professor Emeritus Jimmy Tsay
Emeritus Professor of National Taiwan University

Professor Tsay is Professor Emeritus of National Taiwan University (Ph.D. from University of Maryland) and has held many important positions inside and outside the university. He has filled a central role in the university as chair of the Accounting Department, and has been active as a leader in accounting education and research in Taiwan. He is active in international conferences, is also a contributor to top journals. He was a visiting professor at Tohoku University in Japan, and was one of the panelists who participated in the Asian financial education forum held in Tokyo in 2008. He was formerly, a Supervisor (board member) of the Taiwan Tobacco & Liquor Corporation and Taiwan Business Bank, a member of the Board of Regents of the Institute of Internal Auditors and the Board of Trustees of the IIA Research Foundation. He is currently a standing supervisor of Taishin Financial Holdings and a member of the Special Review Committee on the Translation of IFRS into Traditional Chinese.
Professor Tan Hun Tong
Professor of division of Accounting College of Business (Nanyang Business School)

PhD University of Michigan 1992
MA University of Michigan 1992
BAcc(Hons) National University of Singapore 1985
Professor Tan Hun Tong is the United Overseas Bank Chair and Professor of Accounting. His research interest focuses on understanding the judgment and decision making processes of preparers, users, and financial intermediaries of accounting information, and how institutional and environmental features influence such judgments and decisions. His work is characterized by the use of psychological theories and experimentation to gain insights into fundamental accounting issues.
He is currently editor of Accounting, Organizations and Society, and was former Associate Editor of Contemporary Accounting Research and Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory. He has served on various AAA committees, including the AAA Council, the AAA’s Notable Contributions to Accounting Literature Award Screening Committee, Auditing Section’s Research Committee, Research Advisory Committee, and the Notable Contribution to Auditing Literature Committee.
Professor Toshifumi Takada
professor of Tohoku University Accounting School

served as a CPA examination commissioner from 2001 to 2003
chairperson of the core curriculum exploratory committee of the Gruduate Schools for Professional Accountancy from 2009 to 2010
Dr. Toshifumi Takada, a professor of Tohoku University Accounting School, served as a CPA examination commissioner from 2001 to 2003. He has held many important posts, including the special commissioner of the Business Accounting Council of the Financial Service Agency, councilor of the Japan Accounting Association, inspector of the Japan Audit Association, and director of the Japan Internal Control Association. As the chairperson of the core curriculum exploratory committee of the Gruduate Schools for Professional Accountancy from 2009 to 2010, Dr. Takada planned and carried out surveys, symposiums and study groups about accounting education and has worked on planning the core curriculum of accounting schools. Dr. Takada, who has played a central role in the establishment and organization of the Japan Association of Graduate Schools for Professional Accountancy, has continued to work to improve the quality of accounting education, and is known for having a wide international network.
Professor Hiromitsu Takemi
Professor of Chiba University of Commerce

Ph.D. in Policy Studiesfrom Chiba University of Commerce
MBA from University of Rochester in the US
Prior to join the graduate school, Professor Takemi had about thirty years of banking and finance experience in two prominent financial institutions in Japan. The last fifteen years of his business career can be divided into three folds; they were investment banking, economic research, and risk control. He took an initiation for real estate securitization and project finance, and was an expert in interest rate risk control. He was also an initial member of a newly established bank and responsible for creating Anglo-Saxon Style governance, separation of execution and monitoring. While being a lecturer of corporate governance and corporate finance, he is currently dean of the graduate school.
Professor Xiaohui Qu
Professor of Xiamen University

Ph.D. from Xiamen University in 1989 as the first woman to get a Ph.D. in accounting in China
member of Social Science Committee of MOE founder of Contemporary Accounting Review
Dr. Xiaohui Qu, who obtained her Ph.D. from Xiamen University in 1989 as the first woman to get a Ph.D. in accounting in China, She was appointed as Minjiang Chair Professor effective 2006. She has been granted government special allowance for the outstanding contributions to high education by the State Council of China, and is also the expert in assessment on China-Foreign joint-education programs invited by Ministry of Education (MOE) and Advisory Expert of China Accounting Standards Committee. She has been on the panel of experts for project application assessment of National Social Science Fund, the director for the Committee of Accounting Theory for Accounting Society of China, the member of Social Science Committee of MOE, the editorial advisor and member of the editorial boards of international and domestic journals, and founder of Contemporary Accounting Review. She had served at the Chinese Accounting Professors Association as the president.
For her academic contributions, she has been elected as the China’s Outstanding Social Scientist since 2007. Dr. Qu has published many papers, monographs and textbooks on a range of accounting and finance issues and has been the recipient of a dozen grants and awards. She visited UIUC in the 2001-2002 academic year as Fulbright Research Scholar, SMU in 1991-1992 supported by CIDA. She has attended international conferences presenting papers such as KAA International Conference, AAA Annual Meetings, and as panelist such as Asian Accounting Education Session at the World Congress of the International Association for Accounting Education and Research (IAAER) held in Singapore 2010. In relation to Japan, She participated in the Accounting Education Accord Conference in Kyoto in 2007, and since then, she has actively participated in the activities of the Japan Association of Graduate Schools for Professional Accountancy. She had her first visit to Taiwan in 1997 for the exchange with the universities such as Taiwan University and Chengchi University, and since then, she has kept in close touch with the academic circle of Taiwan.
Professor Wonsun Paek
Professor of Sungkyunkwan University
- Ph.D. degree from Temple University
- served as a chief editor of Korean Accounting Review
- served as a Review Committee of Standardized Rates of Taxable Income for National Tax Services and as an advisory member for Korean Financial Supervisory Services
Dr. Wonsun Paek, professor of Sungkyunkwan University, obtained his Ph.D. degree from Temple University. Since he joined in School of Business, Sungkyunkwan University in 1997, he has been so active in research and education. He is an active member of many domestic and international professional associations. He has published about sixty papers in domestic and international journals and presented about thirty papers at domestic and international conferences. He served as a chief editor of Korean Accounting Review and has provided many important services for Korean Accounting Association. He earned Best Researcher Awards from Korean Accounting Association and Accounting and Auditing Research of Korean Institute of Certified Public Accountants. He has won many grants for leading researchers from Korean Research Foundation. He earned several Teaching Awards for MBA and Undergraduate courses from Sungkyunkwan University. He served as a Review Committee of Standardized Rates of Taxable Income for National Tax Services and as an advisory member for Korean Financial Supervisory Services. He also has provided many important services for School of Business, Sungkyunkwan University.
Assistant Professor Hyo Jin Kim
Assistant Professor of Jeonju University

- Ph.D. in accounting from Chonnam National University
- a best dissertation award at the annual conference of the Korean Accounting Association in June 2008
- A best paper award at the annual conference of the Korean Accounting Information Association in November, 2008.
Hyo Jin Kim, Ph.D., is an Assistant Professor of Accounting at Jeonju University (Korea). She holds a Ph.D. in accounting from Chonnam National University. She conducted at York University in Toronto as a Post-Doctoral Research Fellow who is supported by the Canadian government. Articles by Professor Kim have appeared in the Journal of Review of Quantitative Finance and Accounting, International Finance and Economics, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, the Korean Accounting Review, the Korean Management Review, and other international and Korean academic journals. Most of the articles published by Professor Kim are empirical studies examining earnings management practices and value-relevance of financial reporting in the stock markets. Some of her research papers also empirically examined the relationship between corporate governance and financial reporting. She won a best dissertation award at the annual conference of the Korean Accounting Association in June 2008 and a best paper award at the annual conference of the Korean Accounting Information Association in November, 2008.