Sponsoring Journals
For accepted paper to be presented either at Concurrent Session or Forum Session of the ICAIT 2014 Conference will not only be included its abstract in ICAIT 2014 Conference Proceeding, but also be further evaluated for a chance to be published in the following journals. However, it is the journal publisher will decide whether recommended manuscripts will be suitable to publish according to its peer-review policies.
(1) Communications of the ICISA (ISSN: 1533-2454)
(2)台灣管理學刊(Taiwan Academy of Management Journal; ISSN: 1680-8479)
(3)資訊管理評論(MIS Review; ISSN: 1018-1393)
(4)電腦稽核期刊(Journal of Information Communication and Technology Auditing; ISSN: 2073-090X)
(5)資訊管理學報(Journal of Information Management; ISSN:1608-5752)